It's nearly Christmas. I'm so far behind I can't believe it. We had one solid week of no sickness - morning or otherwise. Then it struck. John calls it The Lurch. (Not sure why). He got it Sunday night at 7:30. Will got it around midnight. It hit me at 7:30 Monday night. Fast moving and brutal. I suspect food poisioning of some variety.
I don't think we had the flu. When John got sick, I did some research online about the flu (influenza). It is actually a respiratory illness that causes high fever along with a host of other maladies. I didn't know that most cases of "the flu" are not really the flu at all but food poisioning - of which there are about 15 or so different varities all with different symptoms. That's my health lesson for the day.
Given my vast medical knoweldge, I'd have to say that we have "a 24 hour bug."
I'm a little dehydrated. John's making me drink a Pedialyte Gatorade cocktail. Mmmmm. So far I've had that and a little bit of Jell-o. Lost 4 pounds. Mostly water weight. The babies haven't been as active while I've been sick but I'm not too worried. My fever stayed low. I had plenty of liquids except for a period of about 12 hours between 7:30 last night and 7:30 this morning. Not that much different than morning sickness, right?
It's much more difficult parenting non-sick kids while you're sick. I highly recommend not getting sick at all when parenting but if that can't be helped then try to get sick while your kids are sick. When Mr. Cubby was hit with his fever over Thanksgiving all he wanted from me was to cuddle in the rocking chair. It was so easy. We sat and rocked. Yesterday he was the only well person in the house. He was into everything. I'm sure part of it was because he was bored. The rest of us were laying around on couches and floors watching him ride the dog, throw napkins and kleenex around the room, dip coasters in the dog's water bowl, and pull ornaments from Will's tree. (Will has a 3 ft Christmas tree in the family room that he's in charge of. Only unbreakable ornaments allowed).
As for the doctor situation, I've looked and looked for other options but I haven't found a solution yet. I spoke to a friend who told me that her experience with OBs has been similar. She expained that most of it is them trying to cover themselves to avoid a lawsuit later on. They also deal with a lot of patients who are misinformed or who just don't know very much about the human body or fetal development. So I understand, I guess, where the doctor was coming from. That said, if I can find a better option I will take it.
For now I'm going to focus on getting better and wrapping gifts and watching the Packers kill their competion.
1 comment:
Actually, I think you guys might have had a stomach bug...I had it about 3 weeks ago and then just heard Karen and Conall had it this past weekend....AND my friend and her family just had it as much does it suck when you JUST recovered from morning sickness...unfair, I say...UNFAIR!!!
Glad it was fast though furious!!
Merry Christmas!
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