Friday, January 18, 2008

20 Weeks

According to my doctors I'm only 19 weeks, 5 days but they're using "the wheel" and it measures from the first date of your last period - which is not accurate in the least. So by my own calculations, I'm 20 weeks tomorrow and I'm going with my own calculations since I'm a math whiz. :)

Doctor appointment was slightly alarming. Last night I woke up with cramps at 3am. Not regular cramps but felt like I was in labor cramps. Worried but not panicked, I went to the bathroom and then settled back down in bed - because I've read that laying down can help. It helped but I was up for a while trying to determine whether or not each little twinge of pain I felt in my abdomen or back was labor. Sooooo, add the fact that I've been getting Braxton Hicks contractions fairly regularly in the evenings - when I'm running around taking care of both boys, making dinner and trying to keep the house in livable shape - the doctor decided to place me on what she calls "modified, modified, modified bedrest."

Really what she did wasn't a huge surprise and amounts to some activity restriction - not bedrest per se - which apparently most doctors recommend to many M.O.M.s. I'm not allowed to lift anything heavier than 5 pounds. Mr. Cubby will need to lose a bit of weight if he expected to be carried upstairs. I actually am allowed to pick him up but I'm not supposed to do much carrying. And after a busy upright activity - cooking dinner and eating, for example, I need to recline for a while. Not a big change from what I do every night anyway. ;)

She also said that it's possible the discrepancy between the two babies could be caused by a difference in the nourishment they're getting from their placentas and that less activity on my part will help if that is the situation. Since the placentas might be fused the possibility of Twin to Twin Transfusion can't be ruled out - though neither me nor my OB nor the high risk specialist seemed too alarmed about it at this point.

I also appear to have developed PUPPS which stands for "Itchy Red Spots All Over." The itching is only starting to develop and the red spots are concentrated primarily on my belly at this point but the Dr. predicts the itchiness will get worse and will spread.

Everything else is fine. My blood pressure is nice and low. My belly is measuring exactly 20 weeks.


Rachie Rach said...

Well, Suzanne, please let me know if you need ANYTHING! I can come over and carry Mr. Cubby for you, if you'd like! :-) Modified, modified, modified bedrest could be used to your advantage I'm thinking....hmmmmm....oh, the ways. Seriously, if you need anything, please call me.

Niki said...

I have been following your blog since shortly after your transfer. I got a new laptop and haven't gotten my favorites transferred over yet. It took me awhile to find you, but I'm so excited to read that you are expecting both a boy and a girl. We just had a FET with donor embryos, and are awaiting our BETA, and we are praying for boy/girl twins.

Suzanne said...

Mark and Niki,
I wish you all the best and hope your BETA comes back with high numbers.