Friday, February 8, 2008

23 weeks

God bless my mother in law. I'm in bed "napping" and she's downstairs with Mr. Cubby. I can hear him careening around the house, bumping into things, chattering away. My mother in law is a saint.

So we've made it to 23 weeks. Sigh of relief. If the babies are born tomorrow - not that there are any signs they will be but I'm just saying if they are - there's a good chance they'll survive. I know, how morbid. You'd think twins would make me all chirpy and excited. Instead, I'm obsessed with whether or not they'll die at birth. I'm sooo wasting this wonderful time, aren't I? I blame my parents, both compulsive worriers.

Baby Girl was kicking and moving around during the sono today. ADORABLE. Baby Boy had hiccups but was sleeping. How he can sleep through being kicked in the head - literally - is beyond me - but it bodes well for my miserly hopes of making them share a crib.

I had a long talk with the doctor today about all my pre-term labor scares. John came with me as my memory. I swear, after my last dr. appt. I could barely remember a thing except that the dr. had said "bedrest" several times. This time, after explaining all my contractions, cramping, tight tummy issues, she said, "Don't worry. It's all normal. You're doing just fine right now." But she said her previous order of restricted activity still stands because the contractions and belly tightness/ pressure are signs that I need to rest.

She also said that I shouldn't worry so much because stress can trigger PTL. Yeah, not the best thing to say to a compulsive worrier because then I worry that I'm worrying too much. No, but really, the appointment set me at ease. And it was good for John to be there so he could hear all this right from the doctor and not his loopy, stressed out wife.

I get to have my glucose test in 1 week. MMMmmmmm. Thinkig about the orange soda stuff made my tummy growl.

Speaking of eating, so far I've put on 22 pounds. It feels like 150. My belly is measuring 26cm now - a 6cm jump from my last dr. appt. three weeks ago. (I know this has nothing to do w/ weight gain but I needed to stick it into the blog somewhere and here seemed logical). I'm on target to gain 24 pounds by 24 weeks. I figure I can put on 2 pounds this week. John swore he'd stuff me full of food so I'd hit my goal. Great guy. "Here honey, have some more ice cream. You're too thin," he says like the witch from Hansel and Gretel. I remind him that my maternity pants are pinching my thighs. I remind him that the ice cream is going to take a long time to melt off my bum but he just smiles and tells me how pretty I am when I'm pregnant. You can't beat that, can you?

In other news, I just read an hysterical blog by another mother of twins. She said she was going to vote for Obama because he has a cute butt. I think I'm going to start evaluating candidates like that too. One of my biggest concerns, the idiocy of the adoption process isn't high on anyone's list so I might as well evaluate by butt.

Ugh. Why isn't spell check working?

1 comment:

Rachie Rach said...

First of all, I worried about the SAME things when I was pregnant with JM...seriously, once I reached the 20 something mark I was relieved b/c I knew there was a good chance he'd live....what?? I just want to encourage you that your babies are going to be FINE!! You've gone through so much...God is CLEARLY in control and has those babies in his protective hands. :-)
Secondly, I completely relate to the worry factor. I had such anxiety with my last pregnancy that my blood pressure sky-rocketed and I was admitted to the hospital a couple of times b/c of it. So, if you ever need to talk to someone who relates...let me know!! I know I didn't have twins, but I had exactly the same emotions you're having!
Love you bunches!