Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Promises, Promises

On April 8th, I wrote of the difficult time I was going through with the GD and the pregnancy and that my husband PROMISED to buy me stuff - also known in some circles as gifts.

For the record - I have received nothing. No flowers. No candy. No certificates for back rubs. Nope. Nada. No diamonds. Not a pony farm, my own vineyard, liposuction, or a BMW. Nothing.

In his defense, we've been busy what with the twins and all. But every time he esapes to Costco after the kids are in bed I always yell, "Don't forget to buy me a present." And he's so cute. He laughs and pretends that I'm kidding.

When ever he is within ear shot now, I hum "Promises, Promises" by Spandau Ballet and pray that he gets the not-so-subliminal message.

Well I'm off because I think I have pink eye. Woo hoo.

1 comment:

Rachie Rach said...

I am so happy you're back to blogging!! I've missed you! How are the twins? I'd love to get together sometime so that we can catch up and re-introduce our babies to their new bff's.