Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's Official

Oh I can't believe I just got off the phone with Will's school principal - well, no, that's not right. That part is believable. What I can't believe is that I just told her that I'll be home schooling him come January. I had a "what was I thinking" moment today. I have those a lot since I've started to seriously entertain thoughts of home schooling my brood.

More on that as things develop. Yeah, you know I'm going to post some crazy stuff here once all four kids are home with me all day long.

In other news, our 2 year old got his fingers wedged in our automatic minivan doors. He cried for 45 minutes straight. We were sure he had broken something. I took him to the doctor for an x-ray. Doctor said he looked OK but gave him a splint. Long story short, aside from a little bruising and tenderness, he's back to normal.

The twins are fine. They're nursing colds and cutting teeth but are sleeping through the night more often. They're on solids now - recently trying chicken and sweet potato combo and for tomorrow we have turkey with veggies. Mr. Cubby tries to feed them goldfish crackers, gum, Tic-Tacs and various non-food items. So thank goodness they're getting teeth.

I can't believe it's almost Christmas. Miss Boo (our new name for our sweet baby girl) and Mr. Poot ... I should change it to Mr. Poo so they rhyme... are 7 months old... oh and someone is crying.

Must dash.

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