Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Conspiracy of Stupids

Go Sarah Palin. This post is entirely NOT about my kids.

I put together a liberal definition of conservatism for those not in the know. It's a conspiracy of a few incredibly stupid people who are out to ruin the country. You'd think the left would get more creative over time. You know, try to think of some other label to pin on conservatives besides "stupid." Reagan was stupid. Clarence Thomas is stupid. Scalia is stupid. Of course all members of the Bush family are ridiculously stupid. McCain, though not a conservative, is stupid because he's running against a Super Liberal. And now Sarah Palin is dumber than a box of rocks, right?

I even saw a blogger on Wonkette call her retarded. And if that doesn't offend the masses, I don't know what would.

Is it actually possible that all of these people are stupid? Did each one hoodwink us into thinking he was smart, only to turn on us with incredible stupidity the moment he gained power? Will we not notice how stupid they are without the very helpful media coming to our aid and pointing this out? (I've been able to figure out how stupid some liberals are without media help). Or was each conservative's success a complete fluke? Maybe it was part of a conspiracy (perhaps a vast right wing one) to take smart liberal people out of power and replace them with Folgers Crystals?

Give me a break, people. My request to liberals is please, move beyond this and have a substantive debate... unless you're just too chicken-shit because you know your ideas suck.

This baseless name-calling smacks of paranoia and stupidity on the part of the libs. And also an utter lack of creativity. Call conservatives what you will, but don't just dismiss us as "stupid" and think we're going to go away.

Can't you just imagine Katie Couric, the cast of The View - sans Elizabeth, John Kerry - pick your favorite libs - standing around in the exclusive social climbing seventh grade click hissing gossipy whispers about how stupid the "nerdy" smart conservatives are who care less about status and more about making the world a better place.

Who does political cartoons? Someone draw this now!

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