Sitting in the car (new minivan) next to Mr. Squawkapotomus and the ever bored Will has given me a new appreciation for my parents. I wonder how they did cross-country trips with four kids from the Midwest to Utah or Arizona.
We’re finally kicking into high gear with our embryo adoption and I have some exciting news to report. We drove to Knoxville and arrived today, after a grueling 4.5 hours last night (stopping just past Roanoke) and another 3.5 today to the Baptist Hospital for Women.
I haven’t been in to see Dr. Keenan and his amazing staff since our successful embryo transfer of Mr. Squawkapotomus (aka Mr. Cubby) nearly 2 years ago. Wow, time sure flies. So we went in with several unknowns in play and several misconceptions. But before I get into that, some background first.
Before the embryo transfer, in order to make sure all things are warm and womb-like, Dr. Keenan does a mock transfer. What that means is that he dopes me up on estrogen (faithfully taking it 3x/ day) then brings me in to make sure that a) the catheter (aka embryo subway) will thread into my uterus properly and b) my uterine lining is such that an embryo could snuggle down and make himself at home for nine months without having to share the space with polyps or fibroids. Fun, right?
*At this point blog writing was interrupted due to a wrong turn that landed us in Chattenooga, TN. Wrong turn resulted in a “comedy” of errors in involving screaming, pooping, vomiting, and no suites upon arrival at the hotel.
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