Sunday, December 2, 2007

13 Weeks + 2 Days

I'm not complaining about the morning sickness. I'm just wondering when it's going to end. I mean, we're past the magical 12 week mark and oddly it seems to be getting WORSE. But, like I said, I'm not complaining.

I got a little freaked out today thinking about giving birth. I think going natural last time was a little traumatic. I'm leaning more than ever towards a nice, calm scheduled c-section. From one extreme to the other, right? I suppose it doesn't help anything if I get all worked up about the birth process at this point. But I'm a planner. I like to have a plan. These twins are throwing me for a loop. Can't plan a darn thing.

One extremely positive note is that as of last Tuesday I was able to discontinue my twice daily shots. You have no idea how nice it is not to have to endure that anymore. Which reminds me, I have to get more blood work done tomorrow. It's endless. It really is.

So I hope that my morning (all day) sickness passes soon because I'm spending an awful lot of time on my couch watching reruns of The Surreal Life.

One final note. On Thursday, the Packers lost to the Cowboys and now their record stands at 10 and 2. They played a great game and, IMHO, lost because of a really REALLY bad call by the refs. It was so not pass interference. And God love Aaron Rodgers for the great job he did as QB after Favre was injured.

1 comment:

Rachie Rach said...

I just love you!!! My morning sickness hasn't diminished either...well, it's gotten better and I'm not throwing up anymore so there's hope. I'm 19 weeks and still having nausea throughout the's hoping yours goes away. See you tomorrow!