Monday, November 19, 2007

First kicks

I felt the flutter today FOR SURE when I was putting Mr. Cubby down for his nap (which, incidentally has not resulted in a nap yet but only in a long crying jag which may or may not turn into sleep). I thought I felt it the other day during my shot but then John stabbed me with a needle and all plesant sensations disappeared.

I love the early flutter kicks. Totally the best. When they get older (and stronger) it can hurt sometimes. My husband actually broke his mother's rib while he was in utero. Crazy. It's early to feel kicking but I was reading that with twins often you can feel kicks earlier. Go team. It's go great to feel them moving around and know that they're still doing OK.

Sheesh. Why won't Mr. Cubby take a nap? He's just screaming and screaming. I should check on him. He was completely out of sorts this morning. He didn't want to be held or put down or rocked or fed or to feed himself or to drink a bottle or a sippy. All he wanted to do was feed the dog breath fresheners (for dogs) and Cheerios. We did have a cute moment where he sat inside a laundry basket and piled toys all over himself. He lasted for a while playing in there by himself until he remembered he was cranky.

To Rachel - I tried to publish this in the comments section but after three tries gave up.

I loved our visit too. Thanks for making the trip. :)

Now, on to belly size. First of all 4 1/2 weeks is a big head start, especially early on in pregnancy. Also, I carry way to the back and it takes a while for my belly to pop out. Does it help to know that my uterus is probably bigger than yours? *sigh* didn't think so. :):):)

1 comment:

Rachie Rach said...

To Suzanne-

We need to hang out again...

I'm so excited you're feeling kicks already...I felt this baby at 14 weeks and now haven't for a little while. I'm sure you can imagine my anxiety over this...but then I was praying about it this morning and I had this vision of God holding me in one hand and the baby in another. The baby is in His hands and is just fine!!!

Plus, the baby could just be further back right now...right?