Tuesday, January 22, 2008

20 and 1/2 Weeks

Doctor is apparently correct about me needing to take it easy and I am apparently stupid for not following her instructions. However, I do not think the doctor was correct in her diagnosis of my skin issue. PUPPS sounds awful. What I have on my skin is not awful - not remotely.

The Braxton Hicks (BH) are another story. Went to the March for Babies today. The stress of getting there with my two kids and my parents was pretty intense. I started having BH at the Supreme Court. They continued until I got to the car and sat down. They started up again once I got out of the car and so my family (husband, mom, and dad) confined me to a recliner in the family room. The BH stopped... until I got up to check my email - and now John is saying that I have to go lay down.

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