Monday, March 17, 2008

28 Weeks

I'm eating Easter candy. (It's not Easter yet, shhhhh). They're gummy Sweet Tarts -quite excellent. I give them a sweet tart thumbs up. I love gummy sweet tarts. Just can't get enough.

So getting right to the important stuff. The babies were getting along fine at my last two dr. appts. The last check was three or so weeks ago. The boy is two weeks ahead of the girl again, weighing in at 2lbs 10oz. The girl is 2lbs 3oz.

I go in for my next twin scan/ measurements during the first week of April.

I have not been blogging as much as of late for several reasons. 1. Too busy. 2. Fingers and wrists swollen in carpel tunnel-like manner. 3. Babies enjoy pushing into my ribs and it's incredibly uncomfortable while sitting in an office chair. 4. Lack of energy is astounding and naps take precedence over all else.

My belly size has officially surpassed (as of 27 weeks) my first pregnancy belly size at 38 weeks (right before I went into labor w/ Mr. Cubby). As have my thighs. My contractions are back as of my last dr. appointment. I'm pretty sure she put some kind of magic voodoo spell on me because I had almost no contractions and boundless energy for three weeks before I went in to see her and then BAM - the day I go in to see her, (and John rats me out for doing too much) I starting having contractions again.

And let me just say, they're not very nice contractions. They're uncomfortable and kinda hurt. Whatever - I'm totally not complaining - just commenting - and speak of the devil, I'm having one right now. I always feel the contraction pressure a lot harder on my right side. That's the side where the boy is. I should wrap this up... since my fingers are also swelling to the size of pickles.

In other news, our vicious dog has Lyme disease. If I had taken him to the vet today, I would have had him put down. Fortunately for the dog my compassionate husband took him. John called me today from the vet to give me the news and I said, "I don't give a crap that the dog has Lyme disease" just at the vet was walking into the room - and oops, he didn't tell me I was on speaker phone. I'm so not a "dog is a part of the family" person. In my defense, at the time I didn't realize that Lyme disease can cause kidney failure in dogs - so now I'm all about treating it - if for no other reason than to keep my rugs smelling like dog fur rather than dog pee.

Our oldest/ eldest son, also not so lucky - strep - AGAIN. Both dog and boy are on antibiotics. I feel like supermom with this strep diagnosis because it totally came out of the blue. Will came to dinner looking a bit tired and his face was flushed. That's all it was. But supermom instinct kicked in and I felt his head with the therMOMeter hand. It felt feverish, yes it did.

Our first attempt to check his temperature with an actual thermometer ended with a reading of 107.2 - say what! The battery was dying. I found the second thermometer and got a more reasonable reading of 100.9. Then using my power of super observation I detected that his voice was more Kermit-like than usual, indicating swelling. I asked if his throat was sore and at first he said no - but then after swallowing a few times a realization came over his face and he said, yes indeed his throat was sore. Faster than you can say "Jesus is not a mongoose" John was on the phone with our favorite doctor, got an appointment for "right now" and ta-da, treatment was started last night thus insuring that Will would be back in school in 24 hours missing only one day rather than two.

This final story also involves Will. Seems he's started sleep walking. The first incident was timed in the most unfortunate way. I was watching The Ghost Whisperer. I thought it would be stupid but it turned out to be scary and I can't stop myself from watching it. So I'm watching what was probably the most frightening episode - there's a crazy preacher with red eyes - and right when the music was getting creepy I hear the gate at the top of the stairs rattling. I'm home alone, mind you. John is out walking the dog. The kids have been in bed for at least an hour. I jump off the couch and make my way toward the noise - creepy music still building in the background. It's dark in the foyer. I call out. There's no answer. Oh my gosh. I'm totally sure it's a ghost coming to kill me. Then I flip on the light in the foyer and look upstairs. And there, at the top, trying to open the gate is Will. He looks a little spacey.

I call to him and he slowly raises his head and looks at me. No joke. It was so scary. I start up the stairs and ask him questions, Are you OK? (Yes) Did you have a bad dream? (No) Do you need some water? (No) Do you have to go to the bathroom? (No) etc. He's only giving me yes/ no answers and he's got this odd, far-off look in his eyes. Think of any possessed/ ghost child from any horror movie. Finally I say, "It sounds like it's time for you to go back to bed." He tilts his head to the left and says, "Yes," and goes back to bed. He was asleep as soon as he got in bed.

When John got home I told him what had happened. About six days later it happened again. This time John intercepted him, questioned him and found out that Will was up "Looking for someone to play with." This whole sleepwalking thing is really freaky.


Rachie Rach said...

Isn't sleepwalking freaky? It wigs me out when I see it happen....I've missed your blog but totally understand why you've taken a break from it! Swelling and pain in the hands not so much fun...I've been having sausage fingers and ankles recently which suck! I hate it when my ankles swell to reveal cankles b/c my ankles are normally the skinniest part on me. And now I "officially" feel fat and ugly. I can't WAIT to lose that weird?

The Heart of Things said...

That was beyond hilarious... well written and suspenseful. Thanks for the laughs!