Monday, March 31, 2008

30 Weeks

The babies are doing great. Their heartrates are in the 150's. Both were active during the OB appointment today. I gained 2lbs in 2 weeks (which is amazing given what the babies weigh). My blood pressure was a little high today but I think that's probably because the dr. was running late, therefore I was running late and I was going to be late to pick up Will from his friend's house. (Also maybe the extremely stressfull drive across country with my mom and two sons that ended mercifully on Sunday night at 8:23pm drove my BP up a bit). The dr. didn't seem all that concerned since the pee test was fine.

So. I failed my gestational diabetes (gd) test. I spent three hours at the doctor, both arms are bruised from the needles (I look like a junkie), and after the blood test was over I got a call that didn't sound so bad at the time. The nurse told me that I had done great for the first two hours (hooray) but that I failed the last hour (boo). Only by a little bit she said. But it turns out you can fail by a little bit or a lot and you still have to get a finger pricker glucose moniter and special diet involving tofu, chicken breasts and all the waffles I can eat... right?

On the positive side, the babies measured 4.6lbs (boy) and 3.10lbs (girl). Go team. HUGE babies. That's 8 lbs of baby and I'm only 30 weeks pregnant. Is that crazy or what? I know that GD can contribute to big babies but these two have been growing so well since the beginning that I'd like to think they're big on their own merit and not from the four doughnuts I ate the other day.

Now I get why the doctor wants me on bed rest. Oh yeah, bed rest. Mr. Cubby was born 2 weeks early, once he was 7.15lbs so I've got more baby in me now than ever before. She tells me that the increasing pressure on my cervix and the additional stretching of my uterus can trigger labor by itself. Walking around, climbing stairs, doing laundry, cooking, even sitting can add to the risk of premature labor.

So here I sit in the recliner in the family room. I get up to use the bathroom, get water (if I'm home alone), go to doctor's appointments (which are multiplying at an alarming rate), and go upstairs to go to bed. I'm allowed to go up and down the stairs twice a day. There is some dispute about this in the home. My mom thinks the doctor said I could only make one trip up and down. But she also thought I ordered French dressing (gross) for my salad today. I ordered ranch.

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