Sunday, March 23, 2008

29 Weeks

My c-section is scheduled for May 22, the Feast of St. Rita at precisely 11:30 am. It's weird to have a date for the birth and not ideal since I was hoping to forgo all surgical intervention this time around but c-sections to have an upside - which I'll get to in another blog, at another time because I've got bigger, sweeter fish to fry right now.

Last Wednesday, the OB gave me a pop blood sugar quiz. It was totally unfair and I felt completely ambushed because aren't you supposed to have some kind of warning about not eating Pop Tarts and huge bowls of oatmeal before hand? I think so. Anyway - of course I failed. I don't fail tests, especially not gestational diabetes tests. And I know it was because I ate loads of Gummy Sweet Tarts (TM) the night before and the above mentioned items for breakfast.

They didn't tell me what my level was so I wasn't sure how serious the situation is. I tend to get paranoid about health things anyway so I jumped to the worst possible conclusion - that I have to subsist on grilled chicken, water, and tofu for the next 8 1/2 weeks. How totally gross would that be? I know, right.

Thankfully my dad is diabetic. Not that I'm thankful that he's suffering. I'm thankful that he has all the finger pricking stuff and the testing strips and a neat little blood sugar reading computer.

Total aside, I'm visiting my parents for the week and I have the kids with me because it's Will's Easter break this week. Since my bed rest status has been upgraded (downgraded) I've been ordered to stay in bed as much as possible and if I'm caught out of bed doing such forbidden tasks as shopping, laundry, picking up children over 5 lbs, or arguing with my first grade son "The Lawyer" I'll be made to feel incredibly guilty and perhaps even brow-beaten by husband and doctor. (It's a total conspiracy).

Back to the blood sugar. So I'm visiting my parents. I pepper my dad with questions about diabetes for hours after we arrive at my parent's house. Understandably, he gets tired of this after a while and offers to put an end to my worry by giving me a blood test in the morning. My dad is the coolest because not only is he a deacon who can Baptize my babies but he can also test blood. The next morning I get up and he's waiting with his finger pricker. I almost didn't let him do it, chicken that I am. But then I remembered all the shots and blood tests I've had over the last year and figured that if this is something he does several times a day, it can't be that bad.

And it wasn't.

I hardly felt it.

My blood sugar that morning was 98. It's not great. But it's also not crazy high. I guess the range of normal is between 70-110... or something like that. So it's normal. We'll see how the 3 hour test goes next week.

Another total aside, my mom totally suckered me into coming to visit with promises of lots of help and time in bed but so far I'm up and about nearly as much as I am at home. The biggest difference being that the kids are into more things and complaining of boredom. Well, only Will is bored. But he has a perpetually bad attitude and complains about nearly everything so this is to be expected. Mr. Cubby is in heaven playing with his baby cousin.


Rachie Rach said...

Okay, so first of all, I ALSO had GD with and I have such similar pregnancies...minus the fact you're having twins and I had this all last pregnancy with a singleton. BUT I think it makes a difference if you're on bedrest or not. When you're more active, the sugars seem to be better. However, that being said, 98 is awesome for the morning sugar. Seriously, it is!! That was often where mine was the last pregnancy.
I failed the first test this time around and then took the 3 hour test....COMPLETELY convinced I would fail it. However, I didn't, so there IS hope. It's really, really common to fail the first test anyway. So, don't's just really annoying to have to sit for 3 hours with NO food in your tummy. I have heard about something where you eat tons of carbs like two days before the test so that your system doesn't freak out when it gets that sugary drink. I don't know how true that is. I didn't do that though and still passed. Okay, this is a really long comment so I'll stop typing now....

Suzanne said...

Rach, your comments are the best. thanks so much for your support. i go in tomorrow for the big three hour ordeal. ugh. can't wait to eat cheesecake after! :)

Maura said...

I failed my first test. And this was when I had that ridiculous aversion to sweets for my first pregnancy! So I went online and looked up all foods with a high glycemic index and fasted from them (potatoes was the hardest for me) for three days prior to the three hour. I figured three days was better than weeks or months. I totally passed the three hour and could eat all the potatoes I wanted.

Maybe that makes the reading a little skewed but hey, my blood's all Irish and I need my potatoes!