Monday, April 14, 2008

Finger Prickin' Good

Those finger pricking lancets suck. 25% of them don't hurt but the rest of them do. This morning's was brutal. It bled and bled and hurt and hurt and now there's a big ol' bruise on my finger. I swear I did NOTHING different. I used a new lancet. It was horrible. But I felt better when I had my lowest fasting glucose levels to date - even though I ate peanut M&M's last night (and an apple, peanut butter, cheese, and nuts - yes, I am pregnant and I eat weird things when I'm pregnant).

Today, I've been eating more carbs than I'm allowed because I'm ravenously hungry. (That means hungry like a raven and as you probably know, birds eat two to three times their weight in food every day). My sugars have been normal - higher than usual but normal. Hooray.

Babies are kicking. They make me tired. It's hard to sit up, roll over, get out of bed, pee, lay down comfortably, stand for very long, or watch The Bachelor: London Caling (that's only because watching it makes me crave sparkling wine). Again, I'm not complaining. I'm thrilled to be pregnant and to be in the home-stretch. I'm only noting that I have officially entered the hard to do anything stage of pregnancy.

Mr. Cubby is awake and calling for me so I must be off. Enjoy your day, Rachel. And take care of those cankles. :)

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