Tuesday, October 2, 2007

2 Week Wait is Over... Sort of

It's a trick title. While our 2ww is over, I don't have the results back and we're not going to post them yet anyway. We'll wait at least until Thursday - after our second blood test. All things are going well. Indications that I might be pregnant include: craving for juice (though, as with my last pregnancy this might just be because I can't drink wine anymore), ta tas might be bigger - hard to say but they feel bigger that that's all that really matters, angrier, extremely to the extremest tired, hungry for meat and sugar (like Edgar in Men in Black), and very light, pinkish spotting several days ago lasting for 2 days. A sign of implantation perhaps?


Rachie Rach said...

i hope, i hope, i hope.....

Maura said...

The prayers continue!